Archive for February, 2013

Update on the Study Group

February 19, 2013

Since a few folks have been pinging me with emails, I thought I would post a quick update about the study group here.

First, we are on track – we have a nearly full bus, and I am still getting inquiries, so I think we will have a good number for the Friday tours.

Second, I just got back from Chickamauga this weekend, after a preliminary recon and some time with friends in the area. The thinning of the woods has made our Saturday morning tour (opening guns on Sept 19) even better. We can now navigate through the woods instead of via the trails, meaning we can follow the various brigades more closely than otherwise.

Dr. Robertson reports that he will be attending, no change there. I look forward to having him along, with his vast knowledge of the battle.

So, see you all next month. It should be a great time.

Dave Powell